Online Classes, Courses, & Community

We have a variety of weekly classes, monthly workshops, and virtual courses available to support you in living in the wisdom of Yoga & Ayurveda.

You can also register for our Online Community (Soul Space) where all classes, workshops, and courses are included (for just $25/month!) AND you get access to all archived recordings!

Upcoming Online Courses

(Recordings Included!)

The Sacred Wheel (w/ Tamal krsna)

Exploring the Structure & Dynamic of Life

$144 (starts July 6th)

  • 3 Sessions (1.5 hours each)

    • Saturday, July 6 @ 2pm

    • Saturday, July 13 @ 2pm

    • Saturday, July 20 @ 2pm

  • As a baby gestates in the womb and a butterfly in her chrysalis, so also our true self requires sacred containment to develop successfully. The occurrence of our highest potential depends upon our being situated in the adequate cosmic crucible.

    All ancestral wisdom traditions begin from a Big Story of inclusive meaning - to give an existential context for the individual to orient within and thus have the opportunity to evolve herself as a unique creative response to Life - and expansion of it. Inside of a coherent Cosmovision, the human psyche will blossom as naturally as a fetus in the womb. Our "Golden Self" (or the highest version of ourselves in this life) will surely occur if we only have the adequate Space to do so.

    In this 3-part series we will explore the universal structure and dynamic of Life that is foundational to many sacred ancestral cultures, here referred to as the Sacred Wheel. We will move piece by piece through the anatomy of metaphysical reality - the invisible true shape and movement of Life - to crystalize a coherent map of being within which we can freely move and grow, in alignment with the divine principles of Life.

    Referencing various wisdom traditions and ancient stories, we will work to pattern our microcosmic self to the macrocosmic Whole and thus move into an all harmonic existence qualified by profound peace and creative potential. Aho!

Journey through the chakras (w/ Syama & Dhyana)

7 months of Harmonious Coordination, Integration & Synthesis

$388 (starts September 29th)

  • 7 sessions (all @ 12:30 pm EST)

    • Sept 29 (1 hr)

    • Oct 27 (1.5 hrs)

    • Nov 24 (1.5 hrs)

    • Dec 22 (1.5 hrs)

    • Jan 26 (1.5 hrs)

    • Feb 23 (1 hr)

    • Mar 23 (1 hr)

  • In Sanskrit, "Samanvaya" means harmonious coordination, integration, or synthesis. It refers to the act of bringing together diverse elements in a way that creates a coherent and unified whole.

    The seven main chakra centers, each like a doorway into a way that you've been "hardwired" to experience life, give us deep insights into our patterns, beliefs, limitations and strengths. They are our "energy-body"- informing us of the ways that energy moves (or is stuck) within our form, informing the health and/or dis-ease of our physical structures - including our body, our relationships and our experience of all aspects of life (home, wealth, purpose, desire, self-expression, spirituality etc). The wisdom they each hold, and the self-reflection that is inevitable throughout the course, will empower you to live a deeper life - with more meaning, connection and integrity.

    This course series delves into the ancient wisdom of the seven chakras, offering a transformative journey towards wholeness and harmonious living.

    Course Outcomes:

    Uncover the Meaning of Samanvaya: Gain an understanding of the Sanskrit concept of "Samanvaya" and its role in integrating diverse elements within ourselves for a unified and coherent experience.

    Embrace Wholeness: Explore the interconnectedness of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being, identifying areas that need healing, integration, and growth.

    Heal Past Wounds: Learn powerful tools and techniques to release emotional baggage, cultivate forgiveness, and find peace with past experiences.

    Honor Your Inner Wisdom: Develop your intuition and tap into the guidance that lies within each chakra, leading to deeper self-awareness and empowered choices.

    Empower Yourself: Build resilience, set healthy boundaries, and create a life aligned with your values and aspirations.

    Explore the Chakra System: Delve into the seven chakra centers, understanding their individual functions, influences on various aspects of life, and potential imbalances.

    Identify Your Patterns: Recognize the unique patterns, beliefs, and limitations associated with each chakra, gaining insights into your personal blueprint.

    Cultivate Balance: Learn practical tools and techniques to balance and activate each chakra, promoting optimal energy flow and overall well-being.

    Live a Deeper Life: Integrate the wisdom of the chakras into your daily life, fostering deeper connections, greater meaning, and a more fulfilling experience.

Kirtan Foundations (w/ Dayal gauranga)

Learn the fundamentals of kirtan & playing harmonium

$144 (starts October 26th)

  • 3 Sessions (1.5 hours each)

    • Saturday, Oct 26 @ 11am

    • Saturday, Nov 2 @ 11am

    • Saturday, Nov 9 @ 11am

  • In this course you will learn the ins and outs of how to use a harmonium along with several simple melodies that you can sing and share with students, friends and your community. Along with the practical harmonium lessons, Dayal will share with you the meaning and history of kirtan along with how to approach kirtan in a mood of devotion. Beyond learning the technicalities of music, the deeper power of kirtan is the transformation of heart we undergo and the sincerity with which we practice kirtan as seva, selfless service. You will thus also learn about the positive effects of kirtan on the consciousness as well as the qualities we are called to develop in order to transform ourselves from the inside out and get the most out of our kirtan practice.

Monthly Workshops

Weekly classes

Join Soul Space, where all weekly classes, monthly workshops & courses are included! With lifetime access to all recordings!

50% off monthly membership

$25 per month

Special valid until June 20th, 2024

50% off Annual Membership

$200 per year

$16.67 per month, billed annually! Special valid until June 20th, 2024